Perl is a well-liked web-oriented computer programming language, which is used to create CGI scripts along with various applications. It is really convenient for the reason that you don't have to produce the very same code time and time again so that you can get some action executed a couple of times, instead you can employ modules. They're pre-defined subroutines or groups of tasks that can be called and executed within a script. This means that, you will be able to add just a reference to a certain module within your program code rather than using the whole module code over and over again. In this way, your script will be shorter, therefore it will be executed much faster, not mentioning that it'll be a lot easier to maintain or modify. If you would like to employ some third-party ready-made Perl script rather than writing your own, it will probably need particular modules to be pre-installed on the hosting server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Website Hosting

All our Linux cloud website hosting packages feature over 3400 Perl modules which you will be able to use as a part of your CGI scripts or web-based applications. They contain both popular and less popular ones, to provide you with a choice regarding what functionality you are able to add to your websites. Some examples are Apache::SOAP, CGI::Session, GD, Image::Magick, URI, LWP and many others. A full list is available in the Server Information area of our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel, that comes with all shared accounts. In the same place, you will see the Perl version that we have and the path to the modules that you'll need to use within your scripts in order to call a particular module from our library.